East Street Footbridge now open
The footbridge has now been open for a few weeks. Highways England has planted a line of Cypress Trees between the upper bridge ramps and the boundary of the parish council land/private properties to the south. It is hoped that these will grow quickly, expected annual growth is one meter per year, to provide further screening. Cypress Trees are suitable for this sandy soil. The Parish Council is waiting to see what further planting Highways England propose to do to reinstate the area where the works to the new ramp have taken place. The Parish Council has also reminded the Highways England SMART team that the screening in front of the acoustic fence, which was removed as part of the SMART motorway works, needs to be replaced.
Councillor Robinson has cleared the area of brambles from the road to the village green at East Street North. Matting has been installed to improve the access. Wildflower seed has been planted in a pocket of the green and if this successfully grows the Parish Council will look to plant further areas. The soil on this village green is very sandy and makes for difficult growing conditions but wildflower seed should be fine. The Parish Council has arranged for the now established hedge on the M20 side of the village green to be trimmed and shaped in the Autumn. The Parish Council is also installing a bench on the green in honour of NHS and all key workers. The bench that used to round the Oak Tree on Addington Green is being refurbished and will also be placed in this area.