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Manor Park Country Park

Manor Park Country Park

Once part of the 18th century estate created by Thomas Douce, Manor Park is now an attractive location with an impressive variety of habitats and landscapes to explore. Together with the facilities and play area, this makes the park a good destination for a family trip out.

Manor Park’s 52 acres are divided into 4 sections:

  • the lake is a haven for wildlife such as swans, moorhens and dabchicks
  • the Abbey Field and Chestnut Paddocks are grazed fields with plenty of wildflowers in summer
  • the Ice House field, on the far side of the lake, takes its name from the structure used to store ice taken from the lake over winter for use in the manor house’s kitchen
  • Douce’s meadow is an area of open grassland where the excellent play area is situated, along with picnic tables and plenty of space for ball games.
